Tuesday, September 11, 2007

our summer of swimming comes to an end

We are excited for fall but sad to be done swimming. We had so much fun at the pool this summer. I’m happy to say (and my mom will be happy to hear) that Jane is the newest fish in the family.

Why meg loves swimming:
-It seems clean, all the kids look like they just got out of the bath the whole time they are swimming- and that happens to be one of my very MOST favorite things. I know however, that swimming in public pools happens to be somewhat dirty! It doesn’t stop us!
-I can practice my mean backstroke, which I’ll have you know that I legitimately beat my Dad and both of my older brothers in a race doing that very stroke! Legitimately.
-You can catch rays.
-It is the only sensible option for playing outside when it is super HOT.
-It wears kids plum out. After a couple hours at the pool they are good and ready to eat and have a nice long nap.
-We usually splurge and buy a treat out of the vending machine to share!
-It’s just fun, I’m not going to lie.

*In the first picture, Jane is holding onto the side all by herself. She LOVES doing that. The streaker picture is strictly to show off tan lines. Tan lines from swimming of course ☺


Gary Church said...

Seriously, she's gorgeous! And she is such a good mix of you and Brandon .... neither of y'all have aged a bit, by the way. Punks.

Monica said...

So cute!! Swimming is such a great summer activity for both the kids and you!!! P.S. Great tan lines!!!

the Rabes said...

Wow!!I always knew of your love for swimming, but I had no idea you took it to a competitive level. Go MEGGIE!! Keep up those strokes and you will soon have large shoulder muscles like myself.
P.S. Oh my gosh I love Jane...She has great legs!

Sharstin said...

Jane is so stinking cute!! who doesn't like to swim--seriously!! too bad I do not have great skin for tanning like you and Janie!

emily said...

Meg-could Jane be any cuter, I submit that she could NOT!! I also love to swim, just ask Heather, "I love to swim like this." Heather will think that is funny, I am sorry that you won't get it, but ask me next time I see you and I will tell you the story. I miis you, let's go to lunch soon. Call me anytime.

nana said...

These pictures are so precious!! Janie is our sweetheart!

heather said...

It looks like you have had a fun summer. But the swimming doesn't have to stop. Just find a nice indoor pool. Jane is just so cute. Give her some squishy's from me. Let me know if you and Emily get together for lunch.