Saturday, September 15, 2007

jim and pam, will it happen this season??


emily said...

I totally love that you are an Office fan!! I love that show. I want Jim and Pam to happen, but I am afraid that if they do it will be like David Addison and Maddie Hayes in "Moonlighting" and the show will be ruined. Are you too young to get the "Moonlighting" reference, probably, but I still love you!!

Gary Church said...

I love the office! I think Jim may be too good for Pam...she has psycho tendencies, lol. Emily, I remember watching "Moonlighting" when I was like 10! I had a crush on Bruce Willis. lol.

Steph said...

Megan Grover! Hello! So great to see your blog and your adorable baby! Hope life is treating you and Brandon and Jane well. Stop by our blog sometime :)

Stephanie Paul

Linds Forrest said...

So I am totally obsessed with blogs and I am so happy I stumbled upon yours. Your little Jane is the CUTEST thing I have EVER seen! And you look amazing as always... in facy I am going to try and get my hair like yours! Tell BG hi for me. I hope you are so happy and doing well. I send my love!!!
Lindsey (Jacobs) Forrest

the Rabes said...

Are you Alive??